
A website dedicated to the family of Chaim and Sadie Silk Dumes from Viski, Latvia


Benjamin Lieberman

Dumes Key: ACA The 'Dumes Key' is an easy way to determine someone's place in the family tree.

At the top of the tree are brothers Chaim (A), Jossel-Leib (B) and Schender (C). Each generation adds a letter; the letter represents your birth order, A for the 1st, B for the 2nd, etc.

So Sarah, first child of Chaim, is AA. Her husband, Jacob Kaplan, is Aa, the lower-case a indicating that he married into the Dumes family.

I've also used the lower-case letter for my two step-sons to indicate a non-bloodline Dumes relationship.

b. 17 Nov 1914 Champaign, Illinois
d. 19 Sep 1984 New Rochelle, New York

Photos of Benjamin

Movies of Benjamin

Elizabeth Koller
Benjamin married Elizabeth Koller
b. 10 Oct 1914 d. 21 Jan 2001.

They were married 04 Jul 1941.


Called "J. Benjamin". According to Jethro Lieberman:

Benjamin was NOT a middle name. His given name was
Benjamin Lieberman. Sometime in high school, possibly because
he was very short then or because he had an inflated ego, or both,
the kids got to calling him "J. Ben," as in "J. Pierpont Morgan," and
other such "J. xxx" names. Evidently he liked it, and the usage
stuck. He started referring to himself that way. The "J" stood for
nothing. But when he got into the Navy, they insisted that no one
could have just a first middle initial and refused to let him use it
the way he always signed his name ("J. Ben Lieberman"). They
insisted he had to have a real first name and a middle initial, so in
the Navy he became "Jay B. Lieberman." That's how his Navy
papers read, I believe (I have them somewhere and could dig them
out with a little time). Thereafter on official papers that's how his
name was listed, though he never ever used the Jay, and always
signed his name "J. Ben."