
A website dedicated to the family of Chaim and Sadie Silk Dumes from Viski, Latvia


Scheina-Freida Nowoselok Dumes

Nick name: Sadie Silk
Dumes Key: a The 'Dumes Key' is an easy way to determine someone's place in the family tree.

At the top of the tree are brothers Chaim (A), Jossel-Leib (B) and Schender (C). Each generation adds a letter; the letter represents your birth order, A for the 1st, B for the 2nd, etc.

So Sarah, first child of Chaim, is AA. Her husband, Jacob Kaplan, is Aa, the lower-case a indicating that he married into the Dumes family.

I've also used the lower-case letter for my two step-sons to indicate a non-bloodline Dumes relationship.

b. 04 Jul 1861 Viski, Russia (now Latvia)
d. 06 Aug 1933 St. Louis, Missouri

Photos of Sadie Silk

Chaim Dumes
Sadie Silk married Chaim Dumes
b. 30 Nov 1859 d. 10 Feb 1904.


Born Sheina-Freida, daughter of Abram in Viski and traveled to America with her children Arthur, Anna and William, arriving in Philadelphia on August 19, 1912. From Philly, they traveled to Champaign, IL to meet the rest of the family.

Sadie Silk Dumes died in St. Louis,Missouri due to a traffic accident. She, along with two friends, were struck and killed by an automobile. Read all about it in these contemporary newspaper articles.

Dad (Stanley Dumes) had the year of her birth as 1859, but her gravestone has the birthday July 4, 1861. I expect that she used July 4 as a tribute to America, but since it is used here, I'll make it official as far as this database goes. Additionally, the all Russia census of 1897 shows her as being 35 in 1896.

Dad had the year of her death as 1935, but the document referred to in Hyman Dumes' additional info gives this date. The date on the Hebrew calendar was the 15th day of Ab, 5693.